Wood pellets export logistics

HomeWood pellets export logistics

Timbergate Oy offers steady supplies of quality pellets to European markets

Efficient logistics is a key success factor


  • Port logistical facilities in deep water ports 
  • Safe storage in containers or in bulk
  • Loading vessels up to 15 000 metric tons
  • Loading speed 2 500-5 000 mt per WWD SSHINC
  • Containerized shipping of premium pellets in small batches

The loading terminals:


  • loading speed 3 000-5 000 mt/wwd
  • max shipload size 15 000 mt
  • maximum flexibility for biomass delivered to the port by trucks
  • loading by tilting containers in a vessel hold and by belt shiploaders depending on the terminal

Efficient inland logistics provide competitive advantages in pellets transportation


  • Bulk delivery by container trains (1600 – 2400 tons per train)
  • Storage in containers at factories and in the port
  • Flexible loading at different ports